Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life update III

Hey! It's been a while x]

Anyways, exams are like, waay over! haha, but I guess now everyone is just choinging and preparing for PW... sigh, the dreaded PW...

But the main point of this post was kinda to talk about some stuff lor. Yeah, basically why people tend to assume the worst in others, how people jump to conclusions very quickly, and how people get defensive when they are accused of doing anything wrong. I guess we can always just attribute it to human nature and like, how we are just "born like that". But sometimes I think it's also the way we were brought up, and like the environmental factors that could give the right push, such that the person starts doubting others and finds it hard to trust anyone else...

I mean like, everyone really has their own thoughts and perceptions about what's right, and what's wrong, so who are we to judge who's more right or more wrong? Think that no perceptions are more correct than others (or at least, that's not up to us to judge...let God be the only judge!). Thus if anyone "accuses" us, we tend to think that we are more correct, to defend our actions and the way we do things or the way we behave. But sometimes I guess we really have to look critically at ourselves, since I think our own perceptions of ourselves are really clouded by our own preconceptions, and thus are blind to our own faults.

Thus, it takes a true friend to point them out x].

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