Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Random Thoughts

Hmm, was just thinking how cool it is that some people seem to be able to blog about things that are actually remotely interesting to read and think about, while others are just superficially blogging about things like fashion, what they bought and so on, and its a great pasttime wondering whether some people actually have brains to think about more useful and fulfilling things like the meaning of life, or stuff like that. Thats not to say that I spend all my time thinking about (emo-sounding) things like social problems and so on, but please, think about them once in a while!

Anyway, promos are coming in less than 2 weeks! Exciting ehh? Sigh, actually I really havn't been catching up on my work and all, so yeah, you could say i'm somewhat screwed x[. But anyway, there's waaay more to life than grades and work right? And anyway, this is just one teeny tiny portion of my life, and just comparing this time to a fraction of eternity, this is really nothing.

Hmm, someone said that I think too much. But then again, not thinking can make a person lose his "inner self", or so I believe. Think it's always a good thing to take some time to reflect on things that people say or do in your life, and try to learn from them! I admit that somehow the start of this year, my brain was really turned off or something, and I stopped thinking about such kind of stuff in my life. Then I realised that although I was "happy", I was actually caught up with the busyness of life and stopped thinking about things like how people are changing, or like some imperfections about myself that I could work to solve, or at least improve.

Maybe it was the new school setting, then people would not want to offend others by pointint out their flaws, but somehow I think that itself is one of the major flaws in Singapore's culture and education system. It's like how we don't really dare to speak up in public, for fear of "losing face" or like afraid to "hurt people". But in place of that, we thus lose a lot of exchanging of ideas, and lack of good communication skills and other problems appear, which is ultimately not benifical to society, right?

But think maybe the whole scene in Singapore is changing, with more people starting so speak up and speak out about their own ideals and beliefs, which is a good thing. However, the change seems to crawl along really slowly.

Oh well, but in the end, what really matters? I guess it's really up to the individual to figure out, like what is more important in their life lor. The material possesions that everyone aims to have, or the intangibles that are so abstract that one can only clutch at it, hoping that something has been grasp...

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