Tuesday, August 25, 2009

cupping when i'm supposed to be mugging

Hmm, was thinking that theres so much improvements that can be made to blogger and stuff but I suppose maybe Google just wants to leave it like that >.<. Its like, urg, me trying to customize this blog and stuff is equivalent to me walking to the moon and back...which does say a lot, doesn't it? x]

Anyways, kinda figured that if I screw up my promos, I probably deserve it. Still no motivation to study! Like it's so zzZ lor! Anyway, hopefully studying with some people might help, but definitely no small groups (3's a crowd!), or I won't ever pay attention with all the blah blah blah around me. Oh well, I guess I really DO need to start, as a friend kindly reminded me that mugging for one chapter a day, you still won't be able to finish all the subjects. How bout 10 chapters a day ehh?

So yeah well, I really should go, and there isn't much happening in my life right now anyways, so why bother wasting time reading other people's blogs when you should be mugging right now ehh?


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